Accessibility Policy

This accessibility policy was approved by the Mesa Cortina Water and Sanitation District (MCWSD) Board of Directors on June 4, 2024.

We are fully committed to providing accessible channels of communication to all members of the public. As part of this commitment, we have a policy of providing an accessible website compatible with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) and commercial screen reading software. We welcome feedback and will try to resolve issues promptly.

The District has designated Stan Wagon as its compliance officer for website disability-related accommodations. Contact him to report an issue or if you need assistance, at wagon@macalester.edu.

The Initial Plan

By the end of 2024 the  site will have migrated to this location and all posted files will be remediated, with the possible exception of an archive not intended for public use. We have hired an experienced web developer to carry out the remediation of files.

Linked Documents and Third Parties

This site may have links to third-party websites that do not have accessible content. This site may also include documents provided by third parties included in, for example, our agenda packets or minutes. We cannot control the accessibility of content provided by third parties, but we are happy to assist any member of the public with reading and accessing content on our site.

Report an Accessibility Issue

We are committed to your ability to access all content. We will respond promptly to any issue raised in this regard.